04 Aug Etiquette, Charm & Elegance
At BashBLOK, we think good manners goes a long way. Whether it be at the dinner table, a social gathering or the board room, common courtesy and kindness is always a must. We may not dress for dinner or use the correct fork for salad anymore but the importance making a good impression still carries on. Check out our top picks for tips on etiquette, charm and elegance.
By: John Bridges
A team BashBLOK favorite, ‘How to be a Gentleman’ from Brooks Brothers is always a good place for a gentleman in the making to start. This is one of several etiquette offerings from the famous menswear retailer. Other titles include: ‘A Gentleman Abroad’, ‘A Gentleman at the Table’, ’50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know’, ‘A Gentleman Entertains’ and others.
Modern Manners: Tools to Take you to the Top
By: Dorothea Johnson and Liv Tyler
The Grandmother and Granddaughter team of Dorothea Johnson and Liv Tyler bring you a title on politely conquering the business and social world. Manners matter everywhere!
By: Dorothy Draper
We have always been a fan of all things Dorothy Draper. Her personal and decorative style have lived on for decades and we love her collection of publications. For adding some major punch to your home interior, we also love her other title, ‘Decorating is Fun!’
Better Than Beauty: A Guide To Charm
By: Helen Valentine and Alice Thompson
Originally published in 1938, ‘Better Than Beauty’, is always within reach for team BashBLOK. Whether it’s the good, the bad or the inevitable ugly social situation, this title focuses on conquering it all with charm.